

Nolvus Ascension


LODGEN is the process of generating terrain lods (lod = level object of detail)

Download and install the LODGEN Application

Click here to download the mod from

Click on xLODGen Beta XX


The version you will see may be a superior version

When downloaded, extract the file somewhere and copy its content into your NOLVUS\TOOLS\xLODGen folder (create the xLODGen folder)

Your NOLVUS\TOOLS\xLODGen folder should contain these files

Create a xLODGen shortcut for Mod Organizer 2

In MO2, edit executable ==> Click on "+" Button and select Add from file...

Browse to NOLVUS\TOOLS\xLODGen and select xLODGenx64.exe

Fill informations as shown (pay attention to the arguments section!!!)


Where -sse o: MUST point to your SSD:\NOLVUS\MODS\overwrite folder and -D: MUST point to your SSD:\NOLVUS\STOCK GAME\Data folder.

Click on Apply and OK

Terrain Tamriel Installation

Click here to download Terrain Tamriel Extended

When downloaded, install it as a regular mod in Mod Organizer 2

Give the name Terrain Tamriel Extended and click OK

Activate the mod Terrain Tamriel Extended and drag and drop it just under Nemesis Output

On the MO2 right panel just move up the plugin SSE-Terrain-Tamriel-Extend.esm, MO2 will automaticallly put it on top of your load order.

Running xLODGen

Select xLODGen from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)

Let xLODGen load the plugins

Running Pass 1 (Skyrim world, seasons)

As we generate seasons only for the Skyrim world, we will have to generate the terrain lods using 2 passes, one pass for the Skyrim world with seasons and one pass for the other worlds without season

On the left panel, select only these worlds

On the bottom, be sure these seasons are selected

Below you will find the xLODGen settings for the Ultra and Redux versions (follow only one)

On the right panel, select only Terrain LOD, everything else MUST be disabled

Set as follow for LOD4

Set as follow for LOD8

Set as follow for LOD16

Set as follow for LOD32

On the right panel, select only Terrain LOD, everything else MUST be disabled

Set as follow for LOD4

Set as follow for LOD8

Set as follow for LOD16

Set as follow for LOD32

Click on the Generate Button

xLODGen is processing, it can take some times.

When finished, you should see the message LOD generation complete, close the window.

Create a mod for LODGEN

Double click on MO2 overwrite (at the bottom), you should have this


Delete anything else you have in the overwrite to only keep the meshes and textures folder

When done right click on overwrite and select Create Mod... then name the mod LODGEN and click OK

When done, move the mod under Terrain Tamriel Extended BUT DON'T ACTIVATE IT at this point

Running Pass 2 (Other worlds, no season)

Select xLODGen from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)

Let xLODGen load the plugins

On the left panel, select only these worlds

On the bottom, be sure seasons are disabled

Below you will find the xLODGen settings for the Ultra and Redux versions (follow only one)

On the right panel, select only Terrain LOD, everything else MUST be disabled

Set as follow for LOD4

Set as follow for LOD8

Set as follow for LOD16

Set as follow for LOD32

On the right panel, select only Terrain LOD, everything else MUST be disabled

Set as follow for LOD4

Set as follow for LOD8

Set as follow for LOD16

Set as follow for LOD32

Click on the Generate Button

xLODGen is processing, it can take some times.

When finished, you should see the message LOD generation complete, close the window.

Completing the LODGEN mod

Double click on MO2 overwrite (at the bottom), you should have this


Delete anything else you have in the overwrite to only keep the meshes and textures folder

When done right click on overwrite and select Open in Explorer, MO2 will open your windows explorer.

CUT both directories and copy them into NOLVUS\MODS\mods\LODGEN


When LODGEN is fully done, disable the Terrain Tamriel Extended mod and activate the LODGEN mod

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aMasTerMiiNd 100,00 USD

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Halo 80,00 EUR

CYRIL888 60,00 EUR

Illusive Bro 60,00 EUR

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Discrepancy 50,00 EUR

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